Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Long time no update

Here I go, complaining about people not updating their blogs, and I haven't posted in a week. For shame!
I've been just fine, in case anyone was worried (didn't think so). Faith taught me how to use my sewing machine last week, which sent me on a mission to turn our "library" (junk room) into a craft room. I must say, it's looking about a thousand times better than it was. I have some furniture moving to do (both in and out) and some bookcase problems to solve, but those will have to wait until I get back from Mexico.
Okay, I'm teasing. We're only going to Mexico for a day, as a side trip from Tucson. I'm leading a meeting in Tucson Thursday afternoon and all day Friday, and staying the weekend. For once in the history of my invovlement with this program (this will be my sixth meeting in three years), Jim is able to come with me. We're planning a day trip into Nogales, seeing as my spiffy new electronic passport did, indeed, arrive in time for travel. I'm excited to see some sunshine, since last week it was in the teens-below-zero and today it was 42 degrees above zero, which in either case is just sad, sad, sad for February.
The Ramblins. Anyhow, I'm leading this meeting, which means I have to create a day and a half of power point presentation, and rehearse running 12 hours of meeting, and figure out what I'm going to wear that won't show the huge pit-stains I'm sure to get, and not let the ten cups of coffee I had this morning get to me....and so posting has seemed a bit elusive.
I did bathe the dog on Sunday. She is so soft and smells so good, and knows it, it's really fun. She's being very cuddly. Tonight I made a fire for us (me and The Loon) and some pork chops (for me and The Jim) and worked on my power point while listening to Symphony No. 2 by - I think - Dvorak on the radio, and thought, again, how good my life is. Hopefully I can remember that tomorrow after eleven cups of coffee.
For now, it's off to bed.

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