Friday, November 16, 2007

Gift of Life

The Bloodmobile came to work today! I've never donated in it before, and it was waaay more fun than at the main branch. The techs were singing and joking around, and all the donors were having a little competition to see who could fill their bags fastest. I'm not sure if we had any choice in how fast we filled the bags. The record was 3 minutes 13 seconds! Wow. I filled my bag in 4:45 which they said was still plenty fast. They said I had great veins. And my hematocrit, which has been low in the past (causing me to be turned away from donating) was at 39%!

It must be the ski at lunch with Ingrid. That was really spectacular. We hopped on the trail across the street from work and skate skiied to Westchester Lagoon. It was sunny and empty of people and the snow is just right, except there isn't enough snow to fill the tunnels yet so we had to take our skis off quite a bit. A lovely mid-day jaunt!

1 comment:

jackpot said...

happy thanksgiving genius! Can't wait to see you in a month and a day!