Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Most Colorful Costume Award

Today I won the prize for "most colorful costume" at work. The prize was a candy bar, which I did not accept. I congratulated myself all the way back to my desk for my appetite resolve; unfortunately, it's all I've been thinking about since!

The Big Wiener:


jackpot said...

I can just guess where you got your fashion sense. Did you have to put hangers in your braids?

B's Knees said...

Yep, I did put hangers in my hair. I looked for some extra bike wheel spokes in the garage but couldn't find them quickly. For the original costume (worn Saturday night), I spray painted my hair fluorescent orange. My part still shows the residue. Tres cool.

jackpot said...

How come me and feefs are the only ones who comment on your blog? Your blog easily has all the best pix.