Friday, March 7, 2008

Wonders in White

After my last session at the DDS, and my shock at how stained my rubber bands were, I decided maybe I should take a wee lesson and work a bit on not staining my new bands quite so quickly. True: I drink coffee. I am not about to stop, so I've taken to developing a bit of a slurp to try and get the coffee past my front teeth and onto my tongue. So far, pretty good. If I put cream in it, I can drink it through a straw (thanks for the tip, ERVA!).

I also drink wine, and prefer red. I thought this might be a good time to explore white wine, since just looking at a glass of deep red wine is enough to make me grip my toothbrush. So far, I've tried chardonnay and sauvignon blanc. The chardonnay gave me a headache, twice. No more chardonnay for me. Sauvignon blanc seems to be a bit more to my liking, though. I need to learn some wine vocabulary so I can accurately describe what it is I like and don't!

More to come, I'm sure.


Renee said...

I am a Pino Brigio fan myself. That and... Reisling? I can't spell it, ultimately I'm a fan of beer. ;)

jackpot said...

uck. white wine tastes like headaches.

Faith said...

i was just going to suggest riesling - but renee beat me to it. it's a little sweet, though - i don't know if you'd like it?